
These are the very best of the short videos on free expression and constructive dialogue:

What is Freedom of Expression?

From Wichita State University (4:16)- Animated video that clearly and succinctly defines the constitutional rights guaranteed by the First Amendment and their application on college campuses.

Talking Across Differences (6:05)

Captures the importance of learning to interact respectfully with a variety of people on a university campus and how the ability to have relationships with people with differing perspectives translates into life. Created by FIRE

Free Expression: A University of Chicago Core Value (6:26)

Provides an overview of the University of Chicago’s commitment to free expression and the Chicago Principles, which are endorsed by hundreds of universities and highlight how diverse perspectives contribute to the intellectual exchange and university life.

The Identity Trap

Why it’s Worth Listening to People You Disagree With / Zachary R. Wood – TED Talk (11:22) (2018)

Impassioned, personal explanation of the value of and deeper understanding that can be gained from listening to opposing perspectives.